Is The Commercial Pilot Mean an Airlines Pilot?

No, it is not necessary, many people misunderstand this point, in fact, an airline pilot is a commercial pilot but not the opposite, the commercial pilot can be an airline pilot, cargo pilots, tour pilots, or back-country pilot.

By definition as a commercial pilot, you may act as pilot in command of an aircraft that is carrying passengers or property for compensation or hire and may be paid to act as pilot in command.

If you're interested in becoming a commercial pilot, don't be intimidated by thoughts of airline pilot training. Commercial pilot training is not usually done in a jet, although it can be. In fact, many people complete the commercial pilot certificate in the same aircraft that they completed their private pilot certificate in a small four-seat aircraft. The main difference is that for the commercial certificate, students need to acquire 10 hours of flight time in a high-performance aircraft, so some choose to do the entire training in a high-performance aircraft.

The Road to be a Commercial Pilot :

01-Eligibility requirements:

  •  at least 18 years old.
  • be able to read, speak, write, and understand English
  • hold at least a private pilot certificate.

02-Medical /Fitness Requirements:

  • Commercial pilots (that is, any pilot that flies for compensation or hire- not airline pilots!) need at least a second-class medical certificate.
  • Airline Transport Pilots (ATPs) must have a first-class medical certificate.

How Do I Get an Aviation Medical Certificate?

Make an appointment with an aviation medical examiner. in this point, you have to back to your aviation local authority (which located in region/country which you want to be pilot in )

It's also wise to ask your flight instructor or other pilots at your local airport for a recommendation. If you live in a small town, you may have to travel to the nearest city to find an examiner. Keep in mind that not all medical examiners are certified to conduct first-class medical exams, and you'll want to make sure you get the right one if you do, indeed, need a first-class medical certificate.

Once you've located an examiner and have made certain that the examiner can conduct the type of medical certificate you require, you'll want to inquire about documents or information you should bring with you to your appointment. For example, you may need to wear or bring your contacts or eyeglasses for a vision test.


03-Take The Authority Written Exam

Some authorities require a written exam (like FAA ), Just like with the private pilot certificate, you'll want to get the written exam out of the way early in your commercial pilot training. That way, you'll have the extra knowledge in your head already, and it will also serve as a refresher if you've taken some time off. Once your written exam is complete, you can focus on flying.



04-Now You Can Fly

To obtain a commercial pilot certificate under CFR Part 61, you'll need at least 250 flight hours, including 100 hours of pilot-in-command time and 50 hours of cross-country flying.

note that the flight hour differ according to local authority requirement ! as all rules can deffer because of local authority requirements 


References :
  • FAA Requirements to Obtain a Commercial Pilot Certificate ( PDF )