What is MEDA ?

The Maintenance Error Decision Aid (MEDA) is a structured process used to investigate events caused by maintenance technician and /or inspector performance.
Boeing developed Maintenance Error Decision Aid, MEDA, to standardize the conduct of investigating and reporting such errors and/or violations.

Why Use MEDA ?

Investigating maintenance events (Error and Violations ) to determine the root causes and implement measures to prevent re-occurrence.this lead for sure to enhance the whole maintenance process and minimize error and violations.
All EASA Part 145 approved organizations are required to have Maintenance Error Management System (MEMS).

we can summarize the expected benefits from using MEDA as follow :

  1. Positive employee intent (maintenance Engineers and technicians want to do the best job possible and do not make errors intentionally).
  2. Reduce the likelihood of future error /violations.
  3. Seriously contribute in enhancing the whole maintenance process.


MEDA Philosophy :

The fundamental philosophy behind MEDA is:
  • A maintenance-related event can be caused by an error, by a violation,or by an error/violation combination
  • Maintenance errors are not made on purpose
  • Maintenance errors are caused by a series of contributing factors Violations, while intentional, are also caused by contributing factors
  • Most of these error or violation contributing factors are under the control of management , and, therefore, can be improved so that they do not contribute to future, similar events.
The central philosophy of the MEDA process is that people do not cause events on purpose. Nobody comes to work and says “I’m going to cause a flight delay today!” Some events do result from people engaging in behavior they know is risky (a violation, for example). Often, however,violations and errors are made in situations where the person is trying to do the right thing, and others in the same situation could make the same violation or error.For example, if an error is made because the maintenance manual is difficult to understand, then others using that same procedure could make the same error. If a technician does a violation, e.g., not use a torque wrench when it is called out, and that violation is a work group norm, then others are likely to violate in that situation, also
Typically an error (or violation) does not occur due to a single contributing factor. During the field test of the MEDA process, the field test airlines found that there were, on average, about four contributing factors to each error. So, we say that errors result from a series of contributing factors.Violations are also due to a contributing factor or a series of contribution factors, including peer pressure, time pressure, and existing normative behavior.

The MEDA Investigation Process

In order for the MEDA investigator to do his/her job correctly, he/she should understand their role as investigator within the whole investigation process.see below figure
of course this is just an introduction to MEDA ,if you like to learn more please follow us , we will post more about Maintenance investigation and MEDA


- Developed Course.